When retouch on the face is done right, you should not see the changes as being “odd” or “flat.” Often times those doing retouch think that the “porcelain” look is appropriate and utilize a tool called clone stamp. This approach only mirrors a very small part of skin and loses all the details in a persons face. In addition, if done wrong, the results are horrible.
At Summit Photography, you can rest assured that your features are not
changed, rather reduced or enhanced to portray the portrait the correct
way. Below are are examples of proper retouch. In the below images, you
will see work of eye enhancing to pop the eyes, teeth fixing both color
and replacing missing teeth, wrinkle reduction and removing, slimming looks,
acne removal and reduction, hair enhancements, etc. Quite simply, if you
look your best, my pictures look the best. Therefore I retouch all my printed
images to ensure the highest quality images possible. If you feel they are
great, you are more likely to show all the images to friends, family and
even strangers! My goal is that you are happy with your images, 100% of
the time.
Please note, the changes to these images to the untrained
eye may be hard to see. In addition, these are low-res images, and the results
can be varied by your monitor. For best results, please contact for full
image samples. Make sure to SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM for all examples!